It is a sophisticated issue the location for distribution center the complex of algorithm and modeling.
互联网And technology is Japan, the United States for logistics and distribution center salient features.
而信息化正是日 、 美的物流配送中心的显著特征.
互联网Then he depart from distribution center with the delivery sheet.
互联网GA Distribution Center site design code, choosing several distribution centers.
遗传算法的配送中心选址设计代码, 针对选择多个配送中心的.
互联网Establish joint distribution center gives suitable environment to fulfill intensive distribution, joint distribution and Multi - temperature logistics.
互联网All orders can be placed, paid and picked - up directly at the Distribution Center in person.
阁下可以亲临服务中心订货, 即时付款及提货.
互联网Although not big, this market is the main concentration and distribution center for our city's vegetables.
这个市场虽然不大, 但是我市大部分蔬菜都是在此集散.
互联网The fuel pump relay is located in the Power Distribution Center ( PDC ).
燃油泵继电器位于动力分配中心 ( pcm ).
互联网Located in Wenmingquanguo commodity distribution center - Tianjin Bandung big alley business district.
座落于闻名全国的小商品集散中心 —— 天津万隆大胡同商贸区.
互联网The second, the physical distribution center's operation process is expounded.
互联网The making of morden regional distribution center is an essential requirement to develope Chinas chain enterprise.
互联网Finally, the author offers many suggestions to the building and planning of distribution center for reference.
互联网We have regular chemical storages and excellent logistic distribution center.
互联网The largest category of the complete, most famous electronic products distribution center.
最大、门类最全 、 知名度最高的电子产品集散地.
互联网So that the material here formed a distribution center for trade and economic window.
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